So glad you're here! Welcome to my site.
A bit about me - I am trained as a fitness and nutrition coach and I am also a life coach and supervisor.
At Think Fit Be Fit I support clients experiencing life changes to be body confident and to get fit on their terms not societies. I offer group fitness and personal training programmes.
I am also known as Dr Sheila Preston, a practitioner with over 23 years’ experience in education, community settings. I have trained and supported hundreds of socially engaged artists and practitioners.
I run Thriving Facilitators help brilliantly courageous practitioners who are serving vulnerable or 'hard to reach' groups in challenging settings* These practitioners are committed to working in a heart-centred, relational way with vulnerable or hard to reach communities. I help these amazing practitioners get out of survival mode and THRIVE so they can show up authentically and lead social change without burning out!
*settings such as, prison and probation, schools and universities, pupil referral, day centres, SEN settings, mental health, health care, social services, neighbourhoods.
Whether your starting point is to get fitter and physically stronger or you are wanting support to be mentally stronger in your challenging work. I can help you!
Can't wait!
© 2025 thriving-facilitators